A Reading Nook for Me

2015-02-03 14.09.45


Every Monday, my daughter has self-defense lessons with a friend of mine and normally my boyfriend and I will take her to them together.  Due to unforeseen circumstances, it was just her and I who went to her lesson yesterday.  When I came home though, I had found that my boyfriend had cleaned off this couch and made me a little reading nook!  As you can see from the picture, this is also a popular hangout spot for the cats.  The black cat is Blackjack and she is the old lady cat of the house, the semi-white one is Harley who is my favorite since he is basically the perfect cat, missing from the picture is Lavy but she tends to prefer to hideout under our bed until evening.  I am over the moon because I have been in need of a better spot for reading aside from just laying on the bed all of the time.  Don’t get me wrong, my bed is comfortable but sometimes you want to sit and not be forced to lay down while reading.  So yay, thanks hun!

Do you have a favorite reading spot?  Tell me about it or better yet share a picture with me!

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